Neuropathy or nerve damage is common in diabetics and can result in your foot injuries going unnoticed due to loss of feeling. Be sure to schedule regular visits with Dr. Pace at Wyomissing Podiatry to prevent diabetic foot issues from becoming serious medical problems.
In diabetic patients, the most common cause of ulcers to the feet is neuropathy, making it very important to monitor. We recommend that you visit Dr. Pace at least once a year for a foot exam.
It's also important for you to seek immediate treatment for ingrown toenails because this can cause more severe complications later. Even dry heels and calluses can lead to severe problems without proper treatment.
You should and thoroughly wash and dry your feet on a daily basis. Examine your entire foot for redness, blisters, and sores, and use a mirror to examine the underside of your feet if needed.
Wyomissing Podiatry offers you a diabetic shoe program to prevent complications. Contact Dr. Pace for more information.